
Regardless of circumstance, divorce is tough. Emotionally, it is a draining process. From a practical standpoint, it impacts every facet of your day-to-day life. It is not uncommon for people to wonder how divorce will impact their existing assets, debts, investments and retirement accounts. Adding to the stress of divorce is how it will affect your future reality and potentially influence income, parenting, and future financial well-being. Divorce is an all-encompassing experience that taps clients emotionally, financially, and legally.

To get through divorce, you need a competent family law attorney who is passionate about advocating for your needs. You need the peace of mind that comes with understanding that there is a skilled, specialized professional in your corner who is working tirelessly on your behalf. The price is just too high to settle for anything less.

At Schmillen Law, we offer the unique blend of family law expertise with significant experience in finance and business. This offers clients comprehensive analysis and advocacy including the following divorce issues:

  • Business valuations
  • Division of pensions/retirement plans
  • Division of real and personal property
  • Spousal maintenance
  • Child support
  • Legal decision making authority
  • Parenting time
  • Custody evaluation
  • Mental health assessments


Divorce Custody Dispute Post-Decree Modifications Juvenile/Severance/
Grandparent’s Rights Appellate Mediation Premarital Agreements Cohabitation Agreements